We invite you to a professional seminar dedicated to legislative news and the practical implementation of trust services.

At the beginning of July 2016, an important part of the eIDAS regulations entered into effect, defining unified rules and tools for working with electronic documents, creating electronic signatures and stamps, and the provision of other trust services. On September 19th 2016, the government bill on trust services for electronic transactions clarified the implementation conditions of this regulation within the Czech Republic.


Do you know what the eIDAS regulation brings and how the new law will affect your work with electronic documents?

The objective of this seminar is to make you familiar with the new obligations brought by the new legislation, and explain the principles of ensuring compliance with these regulations. We will show you how to create, process, and save documents in electronic format while maintaining the same legislative validity and credibility within the whole EU as is held by current paper documents. At the end of the seminar, a demonstration of IT solutions proven in practice and developed by SEFIRA will be offered to interested parties.


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Participation fee
CZK 1,900 w/o VAT


SEFIRA spol. s r.o. | Budějovická alej
Antala Staška 2027/77, Prague 4